Friday, September 25, 2009

I took down the last post.

Because I think its Borrrring,
and I don't want my blog to be borrrring.

Hi Edna, if you're reading this, I got a G.R.E.A.T surprise for you for your birthday!
(wait for it....!)

My Lit paper= Capital U of font size 100000000000. (I can't show it to you, cause they don't have it on blogger. But I think photoshop has it... )
Okay no, the largest size is 1296.
Fine, Capital U of font size 1296. heh heh!

Today, I promised myself a post on how Purple is such a sucky color(with the exception of a certain hue) that shouldn't be matched with other shades of purple. It's just retarded, and incorrect.
I don't mean to be insulting, but there was this girl who had a really horrendous purple bag, with the worst-ever shade of purple handphone skin, and uh. pink shoes and pink hair tie. Goodness! (ps: I'm not talking about Aish! Aish's use of purple is so subtle and discreet. Its not like loud and jarring)
Okay. done blogging bout how purple sucks! Btw, lilac is the w.o.r.s.t.

Okay, a random tip each day from me.
For the opening ceremony of this brilliant crappozonkie idea,
I'll give everyone TWO random tips today!

1. Don't drink milk before you sing.
2. Do not accessorize using different shades of a similar color e.g pink/purple. (Esp. Purple), unless the color is brown and the similar color is cream or something?

Yami Yoghurt with Julien+Wanda today
And we bumped into MsChan, coincidental!


E. said...

:O :O :O VIVIE!!! Hahahaha so touched HAHAHA can't wait for november!!!! Hehehehe THANKS!! Ok now I must find a present for you too. HMMMMM.

Vivien Koh said...

confirm will like! :)