Monday, December 28, 2009

I really am convinced no one understands me.
I'm back from Japan! :)
Have not blogged in a while, so I should.
Today I sacrificed movies I have been longing to watch secretly like :My Fair Lady. Okay, that was only one movie, but I also wanted to watch The Secret Garden.
The Secret Garden (I'm talking about the 1993 film adaptation of the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett.) was my favourite movie when I was 9-ish. (Then Back to the Secret Garden came out-- the sequel & I also liked it cause the girl was pretty.)
I bought the kiddy adaptation of the book from borders, but failed terribly at completing the book!
And my point is, I gave it all up for my lit text: Housekeeping. (How could I have resisted Airplane movies right?!)
by Marilynne Robinson
She has several quotes that I liked very much. (Cause its partly related to my Art coursework Theme)
"Memory is the sense of loss, and loss pulls us after it"
"Memories are by nature fragmented, isolated & arbitrary as glimpses one has at night through lighted windows."

Then like, on a more personal note:
"...Because, once alone, it is impossible to believe that one could ever have been otherwise. Loneliness is an absolute discovery..."

I don't think I know the book very well, but I'm just struck how she can come up with such nice-sounding sentences that have so much truth in them.
Like Anatole Broyard from The New York Times commented(this is totally ripped off from the back cover),
"Here's a first novel that sounds as if the author has been treasuring it up all her life......"

The whole book is filled with sadness. but its not really the heavy kind of sadness like the kind you'd get from reading the bell jar.

Okay. I rambled a lot about a book that I'll probably fail for.

1. I didn't study anything like I said I would.
2. I didn't make anything like I said I would.


Monday, December 7, 2009

I won't say it out loud.

I'm on episode ninety-something.
Sometimes watching stuff just makes you forget everything,
It helps.
I'm beginning to wonder when this will stop.

I wrote down the things I had to do yesterday
I haven't even done any.
I'm already panicking.
but I still don't think I'll do much.
OMG. DEJA VU. Goodness!
Didn't I say that yesterday?
Yes I did.

&Didn't I say that before?
Then why can't I?

Today's date makes me think of Bestest-best.
I wanted to believe it.
This year just made me lose the little hope left in me.
I did so many things alone & was okay with it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I still take a long time to put on my contacts.

Naruto is becoming part of my life. OMG.
Okay, not the Character, but the show.
I'm on ep. 79 ^^

I feel like studying school stuff.
But then, I have to study my Jap.
& I bet tomorrow, when Jap is over, I won't do school work.

Ps: My art blog is also on hold just cause I'm waiting for my labels to arrive. TSK.

Everything is unproductive but Naruto.

Okay, I got a blister hole in my feet.
Heh, not as big as honeybunny's one, luckily.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Squeeze my heart ):<

I recently feel like I want to find The soundtrack of my life.
If I were to replay like snippets of my life in my head,
then I want a song (or songs) that would "say it all"

I've been eating alot these few days...
But I'm not chubby yet.

I'm a sweet potato today. (PS: only wansing would know what this means, i think!)

I sing to CHEERUP but today, i picked up my guitar and one of the strings broke.

Went t study with Honeybunny(Charmaine), LBC Left Science chicken Cyborg toot (Geraldine) & Jiheon today.

I call it quite successful cause at least i know several sentence structures now. (I studied my japanese)

I don't know, but today, I think I'm going forward.
Everything else is going into my coursework.