Tuesday, August 4, 2009

oh, great! lets, study! muggers for life! (not!)

If I don't do my normal distribution by TODAY,
I'm going to take serious action against myself.
Yes. very serious!

"I'm rotting in a shithole called school"

I think I'm getting more&more vulgar. Must stop.
That day, my sister caught me saying the F word by accident when a beetle was attacking me in the room. omg.
Must watch my mouth. A beetle is not worth it(?)

So anyways.
Waiting for my Thai-getaway.
& some $500 I earned (yey!)

Happy birthday R to the A to the M to the Z! Z! Z! You looked Sexzy today. ^^(saying this on purpose, cause I know you'll whine.)

I didn't really study yesterday, to admit.
To admit, I haven't really been studying at all.
To admit, its all the econs test fault. Because I studied extremely hard, but I still think I'm gonna do like C.r.a.p. So I can kiss my motivation goodbye, cause it flew awayyy. (What am I talking?@!)

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