Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lit ended earlier than I thought it would, even though it felt really long.
I'm beginning to be a fan of Ms.K.

Spent 20mins on the phone today, getting directions from my mom to National Archives.
I was together with Wanda.
Funny, we're not even in the same pw group, but we're doing pw together. (ho-ho)
(hee-hee, and we ended up walking aimlessly, found a map, and realized we were really far away from it, so we took a cab. )
Money makes the world go round; our problem was solved with just $4. (Lol)
Was dreading to do PW, but it turned out o-k. I found everything :)
but I have to go back to the place a.g.a.i.n, man.
Wait, Actually, i dont mind. The place is kind of nice.

I got cheap fabric from spotlight today.
Hope Lisa enjoyed Toy con. and took nice photos.
I forced Wanda to pose for my supposedly very singaporean +patriotic shot. (which I deemed a failure,, mainly because of two reasons)
1. The excited look was not pulled off well enough.
2. The background was. common.

I owe many people many things.
for that, I'm sorry. I shall make a list to remind myself.

1. Art hw (x2 to Mrs Kee)
2. Tennis money ($32 to Geraldine)
3. CD (The pipettes + New Mixtape to Wanda)
4. Cash ($2 to Maura)
5. Cash ($2 to Chris)
6. Cash ($30 to nicky)
7. (ps: I'm not broke, I forgot to bring my wallet to school, and my brother had no change)
8. Standard ticket (x2 to the Gtm @ the MRT.)
9. Thailand crackers (to tennis ppl +class friends=Firqin, Wanda, Julien & Lisa)
10. Math Assignment
11. Designnz.

I think that's it.
Its a pretty long list.

I'm still upsetting over my book.
If everyone who reads my blog checks under the tables of every class they're going to,
thank you all, I might find it (you might find it!)

I really want to visit Kayla.
Can I visit Kayla, please?

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