Friday, December 19, 2008

This is the third time I am blogging!
I am so so tired, but I am knitting. My eyes are closing, and I am waiting for my hair to dry.
To add on, I have not packed my bag, which means that I am in for a hard time tomorrow.
I feel like eating airport lounge food now. But I guess I just have to wait for tomorrow (since its already friday)
My knitting is good.
I feel that I can finish it/wash it by tonight. (as in friday night)

I really like tegan/sara's song.
If you listen to it, their voices sound like one person is singing it, but they both are singing. And they are twinz. That's too cuul for me to handle. (what the heck am I talking about)

I lost the bet. (omg, why am I thinking of this suddenly?) Right, Japan.

What am I talking aboutt!

forget my hair, i am sleeping. NOWWW.

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