Monday, December 8, 2008

I dont like my small artbook.
It is mean to me.
I am going to punish it by using my big artbook, although its so inconvenient.

Yey, my momma is gonna bring me to Camera Cabaret in Tokyo,Shibuya!
Its cuul, then I can get my blackbird fly from there.
They are having a camera fair, and I hope that everything nice won't be sold out and stuff.

I bought film today, the uncle at the shop recognizes me!
He was like: you work upstairs?
I was like: yeah! You can come and get coffee :D
And he went: Yeah, sure!
(although i kinda knowhe wouldnt)
AND I KNEW IT, i should have offered him samples that day, then maybe I can get discounts.
I sound so cheap now.

I'm really excited for the Japan trip!

OHMYGOODNEESSS, its like coming in almost a week!
I'm scared of aeroplanes, did i tell you that?

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