Monday, August 2, 2010


I don't know whyyy, when I type the letter 'e' in the 'Title' textbox, the word 'eyepatch' comes up$
It's funny,I'm trying to recall what I blogged about.

In the meanwhile...(I'll probably cheat&search my old posts)
I just got invited to Talia's 1st birthday party! c:
I think Gene think's I'm crzy over her cause he's sending me pictures of her, it's quite insane/

I just told Wanda:
Vivien says: (AM 12:07:05)
i like big big breaks not small small($)
further down the conversation,
wanda says: (AM 12:08:33)
hahaha i have no idea how to continue this weird cutesy convo

wanda says: (AM 12:09:41)
hahah you actually sound caveman ish

I appreciated the comment&thanked her because Cavemen were quite brilliant in the pre-historic era$$

On a side note,
God has been kind.
4 P.E lessons have been canceled!
& he told that he wouldn't be in school on Wednesday (5th p.e lesson)
At this rate NAPFA = chicken.

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