Thursday, December 3, 2009

Squeeze my heart ):<

I recently feel like I want to find The soundtrack of my life.
If I were to replay like snippets of my life in my head,
then I want a song (or songs) that would "say it all"

I've been eating alot these few days...
But I'm not chubby yet.

I'm a sweet potato today. (PS: only wansing would know what this means, i think!)

I sing to CHEERUP but today, i picked up my guitar and one of the strings broke.

Went t study with Honeybunny(Charmaine), LBC Left Science chicken Cyborg toot (Geraldine) & Jiheon today.

I call it quite successful cause at least i know several sentence structures now. (I studied my japanese)

I don't know, but today, I think I'm going forward.
Everything else is going into my coursework.


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