Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I read up on Sylvia Plath on wiki after Julien & Firqin told Wanda who told me, that She gas-ed herself to death.
She never intended to actually die.

If that ever happened to me, cause I was suicidal or wanted to try crossing to the other world for one second, so that I'd know what its like, but end up dying instead, I won't be very happy. I'll be the saddest thing alive. or dead. I'd probably wish I didn't do it. Regret it for eternity.

I went out with Wanda/Evangeline tday!
We watched a movie called. I love you, man.
it was quite funny. I laughed until I teared. but I can't rmb which part that was.

I'm sleepyyyy.
okay, I'll probably like. sleep right after prison break today.
(This could be a lie)

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