Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"The horrible things in life make the beautiful things possible and more beautiful."

That's what I choose to quote today, in this HAPPY post! (especially for Geraldine)

Damien Hirst said that.
He's my favourite artist aside from Rene Magritte, who is the best. (something I decided today)

Back to the quote,
It's so sensical(not a real word)!
I am really excited it popped out of my Art notes today, of all days.
I was staring at it the whole time, from Dhoby Ghaut to Harbourfront.

Today's CT was much better than Economics yesterday because I, at least, managed to do it finish on time.

Time to study!

(yey, happy post is done!)

this is such a failed attempt. HAHA. BYE.

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