(And I have not even started working yet)
Wuthering Heights, Wuthering Heights, Wuthering Heights.
That's all i am doing now.
Wuthering Heights at night, Sleep, Wake Up, Eat, Wuthering Heights in the morning on the bed, doze off accidentally, Wake up, Wuthering Heights after 'nap'.
This is somewhat a sneak preview to my after-examinations life, and I am not so exhilarated one bit about it.
I'm gonna take up my phy/chem notes once i get home later. Then maybe I'll find some excitement for the exams to be over! Otherwise, it's back to Wuthering Heights again.
And believe it, I'm only on Pg88. The print is so small, you'll go blind if you don't take myopic precautions!
I need my fix of scrapbooking or something. I am looking forward to my Japan trip, and yet, I wish it won't come so soon, so I have time to finish the following:
1. Earn some $
2. Be abit better in my photography
3. Knit/crochet a scarf for myself
4. Revive my Fuji instax; just for fun. (its my first 'nonsense' camera, afterall)
5. Start revising my Japanese. /:
I'm quite contented with our D100 camera, so I think I might not buy a new camera, this doesn't mean that I don't have enough money, cause I know i do. My math is not that bad, and I take poa, so i can calculate my financial abilities. (why, i am not sounding defensive am i?)
"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary."
I cannot get over Catherine's insensibility. SO SELFISH. (reading the quote won't help you to understand the story, so go read itt.)
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