So I cut myself today.
After I shaved my (Sexy) legs (hehe),
I used a tissue t clean the blade (i usually do it without cutting through the tissue)
But omg, I used so much force it went right through.
I felt it cut so deep.
And my finger underwent a bleeding frenzy.
It wasn't painful, but it felt strange/weird.
(Either that, or my threshold of pain is great!)--I think my threshold of pain is fairly high. (fairy high? fairies flying highly in the sky. HAHA, please stop me from going further..)
(Anw, my finger made feel faint & Catch a cold/ fever or what-not, tht I've got to have two days off school, hurrah....)
Set out on my goal to get a site done for my Art stuff.
It's going to be done real soon, so please stay tuned! :)
Want to know how I feel?
I feel like I need my camera, and a good place for photos, and a preeetty model.
That's what I friggin' need :)
Woke up at 1pm.
Had lunch with Momma at Vivo.
Shopping, shopping, shopping!
Bought something from GAP,
Two pairs of shoes (Since two of my shoes are falling apart. one was bought in sec 3, one last dec.)
&Resisted a Paul Arden Book going @ 20%-off the original price.
(think I'm gg back to buy it tmr, or when?)
okay, goodnight world!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the ultimate look-forward-to day!
I'm so excited that I studied non-stop today. (Well, until now. And that time when I went to the korean food place cause I was so hungry and I didn't care that I was alone)
Oh no, I really really love boat beam, but their album is totally impossible to get, since they're an english-spanish group.
But they're really good!
Ps:see the cute animation...
(Listen to The Rain Pauly)
Upset that there's no Fringe ]:
Whywhywhy. They shouldn't have stolen its air time for F1rocks.
Today, I napped for 2.5 hours.
Happy... Truly happy...
Okay, happy time's over, back to Lit.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the ultimate look-forward-to day!
I'm so excited that I studied non-stop today. (Well, until now. And that time when I went to the korean food place cause I was so hungry and I didn't care that I was alone)
Oh no, I really really love boat beam, but their album is totally impossible to get, since they're an english-spanish group.
But they're really good!
Ps:see the cute animation...
(Listen to The Rain Pauly)
Upset that there's no Fringe ]:
Whywhywhy. They shouldn't have stolen its air time for F1rocks.
Today, I napped for 2.5 hours.
Happy... Truly happy...
Okay, happy time's over, back to Lit.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'm considering getting a TLR.
Here is a long list.
(Btw, Audrey niffenegger has a new book & Its impressive that she's a visual artist.)
1. Virgin Suicides
2. Edgar Sawtelle (you've heard this title for ages)
3. Atonement (and this too)
4. Her Fearful Symmetry
5. Some Neil Gaiman book that my brother bought.
I'm suddenly quite grateful the school crammed all our papers into one week...
tuesday,tuesday, tuesday fairy princess! (suddenly felt like saying Cow-like things. (cow from cow&chicken))--omg, Hazirah used to say stuff like this! (peanut, peanut, peanut fairy princess!)
Oh no.... And I'll have to start on Art Year-End piece.
I have a feeling __ is the sort who would refuse to let me bring home my work...
I want a Pseudonym, and a really rad one, please?
Funny, i should be studying for my math now..
I'm considering getting a TLR.
Here is a long list.
(Btw, Audrey niffenegger has a new book & Its impressive that she's a visual artist.)
1. Virgin Suicides
2. Edgar Sawtelle (you've heard this title for ages)
3. Atonement (and this too)
4. Her Fearful Symmetry
5. Some Neil Gaiman book that my brother bought.
I'm suddenly quite grateful the school crammed all our papers into one week...
tuesday,tuesday, tuesday fairy princess! (suddenly felt like saying Cow-like things. (cow from cow&chicken))--omg, Hazirah used to say stuff like this! (peanut, peanut, peanut fairy princess!)
Oh no.... And I'll have to start on Art Year-End piece.
I have a feeling __ is the sort who would refuse to let me bring home my work...
I want a Pseudonym, and a really rad one, please?
Funny, i should be studying for my math now..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
I took down the last post.
Because I think its Borrrring,
and I don't want my blog to be borrrring.
Hi Edna, if you're reading this, I got a G.R.E.A.T surprise for you for your birthday!
(wait for it....!)
My Lit paper= Capital U of font size 100000000000. (I can't show it to you, cause they don't have it on blogger. But I think photoshop has it... )
Okay no, the largest size is 1296.
Fine, Capital U of font size 1296. heh heh!
Today, I promised myself a post on how Purple is such a sucky color(with the exception of a certain hue) that shouldn't be matched with other shades of purple. It's just retarded, and incorrect.
I don't mean to be insulting, but there was this girl who had a really horrendous purple bag, with the worst-ever shade of purple handphone skin, and uh. pink shoes and pink hair tie. Goodness! (ps: I'm not talking about Aish! Aish's use of purple is so subtle and discreet. Its not like loud and jarring)
Okay. done blogging bout how purple sucks! Btw, lilac is the w.o.r.s.t.
Okay, a random tip each day from me.
For the opening ceremony of this brilliant crappozonkie idea,
I'll give everyone TWO random tips today!
1. Don't drink milk before you sing.
2. Do not accessorize using different shades of a similar color e.g pink/purple. (Esp. Purple), unless the color is brown and the similar color is cream or something?
Yami Yoghurt with Julien+Wanda today
And we bumped into MsChan, coincidental!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
.__. (thats the size of my eyes)
I better start loving essays.
Today I kind of somewhat killed two of my papers.
My poor things!
No, I really feel sorry that I studied for them!
So I just kept writing today.
I wrote something like 4sidez for case study, 4+3sidez for essay, and 6+4+4 sidez(I think) for art.
That is a totally of 25 sidez, 12.5 pgs. I can write a really longgg mini story with 12.5 pages of paper. I can fold 12 large paper cranes and 24 mini ones with 12.5 pages. I'm trying to think of things to do with that amount of papers, but I can't think anymore.
And I couldn't even finish it! (the art paper, I mean!)
My art paper consists of four questions, pick three.
These three questions have three parts to them, each containing 10marks.
3x3= 9
A worthy 9-questioned paper.
I only managed to finish 7= loss in 20mksz.
Ps: if each pt contained 1 mark, we were all supposed to write 90 points? Omg.
I'm quite sleepy now, i should sleep then I'll study for my literature later.
Another 2hr writiting paper.
Greatly looking forward to the end of examsz.
I have a sudden realization that this is the Promos we have been talking about!
After promos,
1. Prison break-freak-o-mania with Geraldine!
2. Weirdo stuff with Wanda (and Julien+Firqin+ Lisa if they want to do rubbish)
3. Starbucks everyday after school to read tonz and tonz of good stuff.
4. Greys Anatomy season 4+5!
5. I'm taking piano again!
okay. thats all I honestly am looking forward to.
Crapamoly, there is an art project! Totally forgot about it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
oh, Sweet 300th post. (lotz 'n lotz of laughz)
Got a Damien Hirst book tday. I'm really excited to read it. I'll read it right after my exams. Key words: After, exams.
Okay, above was a lie because I already read bits of it.
"What's the point of being remembered after you're dead? You've disappeared. You are no more. You're just a name.
F*** off, we're en masse. This is a group planet. Its a f***ing group effort.
Some people want to push the boat out and get everybody on board. Everybody wants to be remembered, but remembered for what?
I don't, actually.
Well you probably won't be [Laughter]"
I'd rather meet Damien Hirst than uhm.. you name it.
He's Badass. If I were to quote him, its probable that I'd get two F-words out of it.
If he does come out for Art Promos, I won't actually do the question. I'll attempt another. It's too precious.
Do I sound insane? I do, I do, I do, right?
Alright then,
Back to work.
(oh goodness, its such a great relief the design thing is finally over, I'm quite excited for it, actually.)
I have a feeling I'd be able to complete my revision.
Today was a day that I only consumed anti-sleep drinks.
I had a cuppa lungo (thats what they call it, Lungo) in the morning, Iced mocha vanilla in the afternoon, And tea later in the evening.
I'm close to grabbing another cuppa coffee. But I shan't, in case I get hooked. (Which could already be happening)
I'm going to down to a SB outlet to try COD.
Dead Serious bout coffee and its magical contents(okay, its just caffeine)
Okay, for real, back to work.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My parents bought an expresso machine today.
It is good fun, i think.
(Im not so sure yet, because we didn't have milk. You need milk if you wanna play with an expresso machino)
I'm drinking a cuppa coffee now, and I miss coffee tastings in Starbucks. This is weird, because I didn't really like the raw and bitterness.
Ohyeah, my dog's gonna get jabbed very soon, one, maybe two days?
The Jab of death. (do I sound morbid? good, coz I wanna sound morbid)
I haven't decided if i want to watch it happen.
I'm being a total bitch to Wanda now.
but it's prob. coz its really late, and I'm really tired.
Uhm. wellz, I went down to Bukit Merah library to study.
I think I study better alone, or with one other person.
Never more, and if more, maybe as threes.
I don't feel like blogging anymore,okay, so bye.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Capital M.
Sometimes, I really feel fake.
Because generally no one believes me
no matter how much I say I am not tht good a person,
and they think I'm the opposite of what I say,
This makes me feel like I'm perceived as someone better than who I truly am.
I'm stating it clearly now, that I'm not the holiest-goodie-two-shoes on the Earth who looooves everyone and hates everything dark. (ps: i like tattoos, and i actually dislike certain peepz.)
Just so that I won't be called a hypocrite whenever the time comes.
I would like not to be called one.
(This is, quite random for a blog post, but not random with regards to my life, and thats why its here, why do I sound so horrid.)
I'm trying to upload jackson pollock/Marc quinn vids onto my ipod.
It's taking so long. I don't know if I'm wasting more time by trying to save travel time.
Art essay is taking forever too, but I'm going to finish it no matter what.
(Goddd! The file is really taking an eternity to convert.)
I've always said the word crapazoid in my head,
And I think its only after watching Juno that I might actually say that word out loud.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I wanna slzepoz
I watched Juno on my ipod for the first time today.
I can't believe I didn't watch it earlier.
I ended school early at 2:30 today
But I've not studied right up to now because I have some design work to complete. ]:
The mentalist at ten, so not going to miss it.
I shall conk out on my bed right after that and pretend that i fell asleep.
(I'm really tired,and I promise I'll study alot tomorrow...)
(and I promise I'll get that art essay done...)
Sunday, September 13, 2009

I was just talking to Jerome about Artists& insanity, and him keeping his mini schnauzer's beard clean.
Plus together= Dali & his crazy moustache.
So interesting,
though its kind of gross...
I feel really excited, yes.
I feel like a little excited girl in this huge box with only me in it. (why pick such an analogy)
I had a haircut today,
It was the longest haircut ever.
and when i say ever, it really means the longest time.
Because it was a whopping 2 hr haircut,
considering the fact that I have so much work to do (see Agenda)
I read finish Wuthering heights,
And I can't believe how much I felt while reading it.
I never knew I was holding on to such a rad book.
(i sound so dramatic.)
1. 1500-3000 word Art Essay
2. Normal Art Essay on Brancusi/Han Sai Por
3. Design thingy (omg)
4. Art practical stuff
5. Lit "Naming of parts" Assignment/Essay
6. The rest of revision for promos (Which is, btw, alot)
Funny, I only realized i have so much hw today, at 5pm. O_O
Ps: I want to run away.
I feel like a little excited girl in this huge box with only me in it. (why pick such an analogy)
I had a haircut today,
It was the longest haircut ever.
and when i say ever, it really means the longest time.
Because it was a whopping 2 hr haircut,
considering the fact that I have so much work to do (see Agenda)
I read finish Wuthering heights,
And I can't believe how much I felt while reading it.
I never knew I was holding on to such a rad book.
(i sound so dramatic.)
1. 1500-3000 word Art Essay
2. Normal Art Essay on Brancusi/Han Sai Por
3. Design thingy (omg)
4. Art practical stuff
5. Lit "Naming of parts" Assignment/Essay
6. The rest of revision for promos (Which is, btw, alot)
Funny, I only realized i have so much hw today, at 5pm. O_O
Ps: I want to run away.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Far? I know.
It was really nice catching up, especially when We've not met as three people (I wish Kayla was there too.)
Is it Kayla was or Kayla were? Recently, this wish he/she, was/were. or I was/were. God, Confusing!
We ate at Crystal Jade for dinner, and later we had ice cream!
I know. I suddenly know that its I wish Kayla was there, & Kayla were here? I think so.
This was after I met my also Very dear friend, Beatrice (to study)
It was not productive at first, since we kept walking around.
But we got down to studying in the end.
I also bought a new handphone yesterday.
Had a 4 year hate toward nokia phones,
but somehow, something in me managed to reconcile the dispute in my heart against Nokias.
I'm nearly done reading Wuthering heights.
I'm in KL now! (again!)
It was really nice catching up, especially when We've not met as three people (I wish Kayla was there too.)
Is it Kayla was or Kayla were? Recently, this wish he/she, was/were. or I was/were. God, Confusing!
We ate at Crystal Jade for dinner, and later we had ice cream!
I know. I suddenly know that its I wish Kayla was there, & Kayla were here? I think so.
This was after I met my also Very dear friend, Beatrice (to study)
It was not productive at first, since we kept walking around.
But we got down to studying in the end.
I also bought a new handphone yesterday.
Had a 4 year hate toward nokia phones,
but somehow, something in me managed to reconcile the dispute in my heart against Nokias.
I'm nearly done reading Wuthering heights.
I'm in KL now! (again!)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wanna watch this too, just for Stop-motion sake. Hehe, its quite hilarious. "If what i think is happening, is better not be." OMG.
(PS: FORGOT TO MENTION, the trailer below is like. freaky, so don't watch it if you're scared of aliens, unless you're like me and you want to watch it even though you're afraid of aliens )
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I'm naming each and every 48 of 'em.
Maybe after promos, when I have space in that little box up there.
(I store memories & info in a box)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Summers, rocks.
I sound mean, but
I really can't stand grammatical errors that are too simple to screw up.
Like "have"s and "had"s shouldn't get mixed up.
There were many earthworms in a puddle of water today,
that Wanda & I just had to let out this really whiny "ewww"
There was a man who stood close to one of the earthworms.
It moved towards him.
I was squealing. in disgust. and fear that it'd touch his foot.
Today I kept doing things that made me think of Olivia.
and Everything was different
in a sudden my heart was light
I’ll never lose a track again
oh no I’ll never lose a track again
people were calling & no one seemed to care
I need a raise of hopes"
Songs like this totally drag me through my glum moments.
I don't think I've ever let anyone love me,
and I wonder why I'm not well loved.
(Well liked, maybe, but never well loved.)
Use this against Wanda when the time comes...
Wanda says: (12:35:37 AM)
will you still gimme my megaphone?
Vivieん \ says: (12:35:39 AM)
Vivieん \ says: (12:35:40 AM)
Wanda says: (12:35:44 AM)
sleep lah
Wanda says: (12:35:51 AM)
Vivieん \ says: (12:35:53 AM)
awww. okay lah. i willl give u, provided u dont hit me with it
Wanda says: (12:36:04 AM)
i won;t
Wanda says: (12:36:11 AM)
you'll probably bleed
Vivieん \ says: (12:36:27 AM)
okay, u said it. no hitting me with megaphones!
Wanda says: (12:36:44 AM)
yeah i said it
Saturday, September 5, 2009
My nose is itchy (I feel dull today)
We talk & laugh about weight issues,
I don't usually care.
but the fact that I have gained 4kg is extremely alarming.
(I decided to check my weight when I felt a flab on my tummy.)
I've officially decided that my favorite indie band is Headlights.
I'm in love with them, and I'm about to spend 1/5 of my $500 on their CDs.
Maybe not.
Still deciding.
(This is what kind of music I listen to.)
Ps: I really really really want to go to the UK, Wanda makes it sound like such a nice place, and She's gg end of the year, I really want to go with her.
Today is the day I get what I want because
a. There was no physical
b. My CL teacher cancelled because she took some major exam and was really tired.
c. Finished writing my notes which practically takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
My dog must know that something is wrong with her, because I've been so nice to her lately...
I've delayed art for approx. 2 1/2 hrs now, I should go.
(I realized I only blog before I'm about to study at home, which delays the whole idea of it.)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Did some art today.
I made a hard cover for my year-end project.
I also studied Constantin Brancusi together with his difficult & varied Influences & themes.
This took me way more than three hours. Sometimes I feel like my brain can't take in more information.
I want to read Wuthering heights now.
but I left my book in the locker, which shouldn't be the case, but I did leave it there. so too bad.
Holy moly, take a look at this!
Its so cute.

It is my dream to stay home & blog about art.
I have an art blog, but I only have one post.
I shall update it frequently from now on.
My biggest wish is to have my own room that I can fill up with indie furniture.
And indie music.
And have indie designs drawn on the wall,
with a teevee that will be used to watch indie flicks.
I'm an indie person.
today's post is dreamyy.
going to buy the CD. (maybe when I'm rich)
Ps: Wanda's blog is like a music blog.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
haha, haha, haha, haha, haha.
I lost fifty-dollars.
Everytime I lose my money, I am with Wanda & on the phone, reporting to my mom my whereabouts.
How funny is that?
There were two clones on the moon,
One clone was not Angry
The other clone was very Angry.
I'm the clone that wasn't Angry, but I died.
Wanda (so suited) is the clone that was very Angry, but she got to live.
I waited three years, she didn't even wait!
What is this!
Julien is the moon!
And someone else can be the helium.
Maybe lisa.
That's a tad bit ironic, since Lisa has a reallyy low voice.
This post is meant to be rubbish for the viewing pleasure of bored people whose friends have not updated their blogs.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Don't ask if I'm fine.
This is so long ago,
but it still affects me,
for everyone and anyone,
I hate it when there is contact.
So don't touch me, Accidentally or not.
Gentle tap, whatever.
I am annoyed when there is contact.
I feel violated, even when I'm not actually violated.
I feel uncomfortable and I hate it.
I don't care that I sound insane.
I have a Zero tolerance of contact, hear me? Z.e.r.o.
And don't say sorry after you realize i hate it.
Because I hate that too.
And I'll feel like ignoring everything.
And finally, I won't be able to look you in the eye when i talk to you
Because I just don't like you & the things you say/do.
Or assume that you know what I'm talking about, cause you don't.
Stop thinking you know me so well.
Cause no one knows me well enough to think that.
This is not directed at a particular someone.
Cause if it is, I wouldn't say that its not.
(and please heed the title's advice.)
This post is disorientated because I just typed everything out without much consideration. Vomit.
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