Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
19th Sept 2007:
"I think that it is impossible to just force yourself to know Jesus in one day. God's love is not based on a simple phrase,"I believe." It's based on a relationship. And whether you finally decide for yourself if you love him truly, it's based on this relationship. Take this: You cannot love someone if you have never met him before, or know him well. However, it is easy to love your parents, because they are there for you. I'm not trying to sound like a pastor or whatever, but it's true.
How does a magician performs his trick?
Simple. He uses his hands, and bring the object from one place to another.
Our mind take out unimportant information when we blink. That's why we don't notice such small movements.
Maybe it's because of that, that we're unaware when jesus is around us.
Usually, we avoid this fact because we are afraid. and we do not want to be reminded of our wrong-doings. But sometimes, we just have to come to terms with the truth, and finally, repent.
A last thing i might add, something that i learnt today, and in case you didn't know,God wins in the end."
Simple. He uses his hands, and bring the object from one place to another.
Our mind take out unimportant information when we blink. That's why we don't notice such small movements.
Maybe it's because of that, that we're unaware when jesus is around us.
Usually, we avoid this fact because we are afraid. and we do not want to be reminded of our wrong-doings. But sometimes, we just have to come to terms with the truth, and finally, repent.
A last thing i might add, something that i learnt today, and in case you didn't know,God wins in the end."
Holy moly,
I can't believe I blogged like that in 2007.
I feel like I lost that whole bit of my brain where God Mattered Most.
Does He matter most?
I want to go to church.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Regarding the whole "wanda taking it to a whole new level" thing,
I take it back.
Because yesterday, I threw my wallet/purse at Wanda's head.
Today was quite a relaxing day.
I was late 25 mins for chinese, and he released us 10mins early. which left me with only 25mins of chinese lessons. (happy)
I'm kinda lazy to blog about today,
except how I can't believe L.L tried to gain Julien/Firqin/Moses' favor with Lollipops.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i happy,i happy, i happy!
I cleared my MSA.
Now I'm a little frantic over promos.
I got whacked in the face by Wanda today.
Seriously, she took violence to a whole new level.
Thank God my eyeball is still intact.
I was semi-shouting at her outside the library. (in a really irritated tone)
"Go away, I don't want to talk to you, I'm damn pissed off with you."
That's when we started laughing like MAD.
Cause I fumbled at the "with"
Earlier, we were talking bout how her mom's english would go bad when she's angry.
Funny, I think Tai Jun witnessed the whole incident.
Me being angry, then us going into hysterics } all in two minutes.
We kind of talked bout Fringe today.
I find Walter cute.
Ohkay, goodbye.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A response to Julien's Blogpost.
My tie-dye sucks!
I thought it sucked,
but now it sucks more,
in a sense that it no longer looks like what it's supposed to look like.
But anw, its somehow, likable.
Do I sound contradictory?
Its no longer the tie-dyed shirt.
Its something else that cannot be deciphered.
Maybe it could be called the washed-out shirt. or something like that.
Me "Hi, like my shirt?"
Dada "where you buy from? Chaktuchak market is it?"
Me "No! I made it." (Nicholas "NO, she make one.")
Dada "Wah, very niceee." (in the most sincere tone ever)
Me "No! you said chaktuchak."
Dada "Hahhahahahahahhaa"
I have a slight attachment to my dad's d-lux 4 aft ytd's summerfest.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
(In Blindness.)
Of all days,
my camera chooses to fail Today.
I was really upset.
My camera's lens mount's screws loosened,
and my lens couldn't be attached properly, it was all wobbly.
Of course its okay now, my dad helped to tighten it.
If it weren't for Wanda, I might have been reduced to ins
Second of all.
there were beetles. when I was at the field.
first my brother pointed out that one guy in front had a beetle on his white shirt.
Then later I realized that another guy had a beetle on him too!
And i was almost freaking out cause then I saw THREE Beetles on one guy,
I was insisting (to nicky) that we should totally get out of there.
but no, he didn't want to, he said that it would
n't fly to me, because I wasn't wearing white.
and suddenly this beetle flew across and touched me on m
y head.
That's when I freaked out Freaked out.
I screamed and ran far,far,away. (I'm not exaggerating, btw.)
I bought a freaking MEGAPHONE.
Nickywicky bought one, so I bought one too.
And then reallyyyyyyy later, I decided that Wanda might wan
t one.
And she really did want one.
By that time, they were like packing up and all.
So I had to like rush and stop them, so I could buy one more.
(my sister failed to take a pic of me surrounded by Ja
p-soccer guys, who weren't that good looking afterall-- but I wo
uld have liked to have a picture of me surrounded by Jap-soccer guys so that I can brag or something.)
I didn't get one for Julien/Firqin though.
Think that Lisa, Julien and Firqin can totally have water
(that is if they don't shrink or something by monday)
Water yoyo thingys!
Nicky-wicky! (we bear no sibling resemblance)
(look at my megaphone)
Then here are weirdo-pics that I took, Look:
Me& the AFRO ladies!
Here's where Julien's Kitty went! It grew big and fat!
I got tonz of other nonsensical photos because that's what digital cameras are for--random snapping, without thinking.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
For (spiting) Wanda

(Williem De Kooning, Woman I, 1950-1952)

(Louis Morris, noideawhatsthetitle)
Really Sad that we're not studying Louis Morris.
Here's another one:
Point of tranquility, 1959-1960

How can his works be so aesthetically appealing?
He does it even with dirty colors,

Can't stand De Kooning, no offence.
There's a slight touch of disapproval, that you failed to conceal, right?
Turns out my math MSA wasn't that bad, because I got a C. And I only needed half mark to get a B. Its frustrating but I'm contented.
Don't feel like blogging,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So, we had Civics in H101.
And that was the classroom where I last saw my Edgar Sawtelle book.
It was still under the desk! (hehe)
& yelled in excitement. Thrice.
Wanda spilt her Strawberry Sundae in Macs today.
(A.G.A.I.N, being a spiller)
It slid to the end of her tray, and just before it fell, she totally caught her ice cream (and put it back into her cup)
Sadly this is her version of the incident, and I can't verify that the cup was going to topple, or that she just knocked it over herself, because I went to the toilet.
Saw Caroline + SI MIN in Macs. Raddd.
Today, Chinese MSA was so silly.
I wrote my answers on foolscap for the first half of the paper. (Later I realized there was an Answer sheet to write my answers on)
Then for the second question, there was this line of chinese words that asked something about the passage. (four marks)
Below it was a table of choices, A,B,C, & I, II, III.
I totally wrote an open ended answer (which was crap) and then I realized it was a multiple choice question.
Waste time.
I'm so muddle-headed today.
We(Wanda, Lisa, Firqin, Julien ;Not Moses, cause no one wanted to arm wrestle with him, and Aish; who wanted to try arm wrestling) arm wrestled today,
and I found out I'm a weakling.
(PS: I didn't mean what I said about not wanting to lose, I just didnt want to arm wrestle anymore. I come up with lame excuses when I don't feel like doing things.)
Somehow the bracketed words creates an impression that I'm in denial or something.
So I'll just make do with me and my "I don't like to lose" declaration that I made earlier.
Sorry, this is a little bit confusing especially when I'm changing my stand & you don't know what's happening.
Monday, August 17, 2009
I just watched fringe.
Its the first show in a long long time to make me feel queasy.
(Isn't the smiley just disturbing?)
I was supposed to post a picture of an example that is part of my health plan.
Because I think I grew ------.
I must stop it before it is obvious to anyone else.
I had Tau Huay with Wanda just now (So much for my "health plan")
Last night was the worse night ever.
I slept at 2am, but I was half awake- kind of sleeping?
But thank God I don't feel sleepy.
Can't believe Ms K didn't come tday.
There are several things I'd like to remind myself about.
1. Design(tuesday)
2. I want to sew
3. Photoshop thingy(no idea)
4. Chinese MSA tmr (tday)
5. Art Msa+Lit Msa on thursday. (wed)
I developed my rollzs of film.
O.M.G today, I totally exposed my film.
Because for some strange reason, I forgot to wind my film.
How do I forget to wind my film?
I just forget.
And I popped open the cover, saw the film, and shut it back closed.
Exposed, oops!
I think that roll wouldn't turn out nice, anw.
Because of a long story, that I don't want to bore you with. And also Im lazy to recount.
In the canteen today, Wanda spilt her drink A.g.a.i.n.
she's such a drink spiller.
The best part is that I pushed the stacked cups towards her, without letting it topple.
But she pushed it back and it just fell over.
Orange juice on the table= Vomit.
But ohwell, it's Wanda I'm talking about here...
PS: MY BOOK IS REALLY GONE ): ): ): ): ):
someone please find it ))))))))))))))))):
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Lets get out of this countryyyy
I'm genuinely excited for school tomorrow!
I hope to finish my Econs by 10, do my art homework, read some T.o.t.s, Wuthering Hts & then sleep.
I really want to meet Damien Hirst.
I just googled his name. Nothing. Man.
I think I should come up with good questions to ask him, in case I meet him in the future. :)
"It's the Tour de France bicycle race in France and American Lance Armstrong is back in the saddle after a three year break. And what a saddle: he will be completing the final stage of the race this weekend on a bicycle decorated by Damien Hirst, the famous British artist. The bicycle, a Trek Madone, will have real butterflies shimmering in the light and the logos in bright pink." -Source
I think that I like Damien Hirst because he's so morbid+Strange, which make his work really radical.
(Not because he uses real butterflies in his work, seriously. I'm scared of butterflies, but I don't hate them...)
I was talking to Wanda before about how artists generally need that streak of insanity before they're good at something, artistically.
Kinda agreed that school & our weird friendship is going to help me "make it big" in the future.
I just hope I don't get admitted into a mental ward before that happens.
Anyone knows where to buy an Amy Kuney CD?
Wanda talking to herself. :)
Wanda says: (12:21:31 AM)
Wanda says: (12:21:34 AM)
Wanda says: (12:21:39 AM)
Wanda says: (12:21:50 AM)
Wanda says: (12:21:55 AM)
Wanda says: (12:21:59 AM)
Wanda says: (12:22:05 AM)
Wanda says: (12:22:13 AM)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Never going back
My childhood sweetheart added me on fb.
Its damn cool he found me on fb.
But its damn sad that I'm not in love with him.
Otherwise, i'll be like ecstatic or sth.
(but I'm not, DUH)
Lit ended earlier than I thought it would, even though it felt really long.
I'm beginning to be a fan of Ms.K.
I was together with Wanda.
Funny, we're not even in the same pw group, but we're doing pw together. (ho-ho)
(hee-hee, and we ended up walking aimlessly, found a map, and realized we were really far away from it, so we took a cab. )
Money makes the world go round; our problem was solved with just $4. (Lol)
Was dreading to do PW, but it turned out o-k. I found everything :)
but I have to go back to the place a.g.a.i.n, man.
Wait, Actually, i dont mind. The place is kind of nice.
I got cheap fabric from spotlight today.
Hope Lisa enjoyed Toy con. and took nice photos.
I forced Wanda to pose for my supposedly very singaporean +patriotic shot. (which I deemed a failure,, mainly because of two reasons)
1. The excited look was not pulled off well enough.
2. The background was. common.
I owe many people many things.
for that, I'm sorry. I shall make a list to remind myself.
1. Art hw (x2 to Mrs Kee)
2. Tennis money ($32 to Geraldine)
3. CD (The pipettes + New Mixtape to Wanda)
4. Cash ($2 to Maura)
5. Cash ($2 to Chris)
6. Cash ($30 to nicky)
7. (ps: I'm not broke, I forgot to bring my wallet to school, and my brother had no change)
8. Standard ticket (x2 to the Gtm @ the MRT.)
9. Thailand crackers (to tennis ppl +class friends=Firqin, Wanda, Julien & Lisa)
10. Math Assignment
11. Designnz.
I think that's it.
Its a pretty long list.
I'm still upsetting over my book.
If everyone who reads my blog checks under the tables of every class they're going to,
thank you all, I might find it (you might find it!)
I really want to visit Kayla.
Can I visit Kayla, please?
Friday, August 14, 2009
I lost my precious book today.
I'm really sad.
During Econs lesson, I had a thought that if I should leave my book under the desk, would there be someone who would return it to me. And I felt like writing my name down on my book.
But I didn't because I didn't want to leave my book behind on purpose just to see if someone would return it.
But I really did lose it.
I think I left it in the canteen.
And I wish I had written my name down.
(I used to label everything I had when I was young, like some obsession.)
So if anyone sees a book called
"Edgar Sawtelle"
By David Wroblewski,
please, please, please, return it to me, and not donate it to the school library.
I don't want my poor book to become a slave for uncaring readers who bend book spines as they like.
on a lighter note,
my dada made my mind clearer again.
And I think I know what to do.
(Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss)
-to everyone who watched Nacho libre, this scene is always stuck in my head.
Talking about funny,
I mistook michelle quek for wanda today in the toilet.
It was hilarious.
(not in the mood for hilarious now)
I'm really sad.
During Econs lesson, I had a thought that if I should leave my book under the desk, would there be someone who would return it to me. And I felt like writing my name down on my book.
But I didn't because I didn't want to leave my book behind on purpose just to see if someone would return it.
But I really did lose it.
I think I left it in the canteen.
And I wish I had written my name down.
(I used to label everything I had when I was young, like some obsession.)
So if anyone sees a book called
"Edgar Sawtelle"
By David Wroblewski,
please, please, please, return it to me, and not donate it to the school library.
I don't want my poor book to become a slave for uncaring readers who bend book spines as they like.
on a lighter note,
my dada made my mind clearer again.
And I think I know what to do.
(Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss)
-to everyone who watched Nacho libre, this scene is always stuck in my head.
Talking about funny,
I mistook michelle quek for wanda today in the toilet.
It was hilarious.
(not in the mood for hilarious now)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I am contemplating taking an mc tmr.
It won't be fake because I'm really sick still.
BUT. I'm not gonna. I think.
Omg. I'm not going to, or my Lady Gaga ticket would have been sold for nothing.
Watch wanda whack for no reason.
I cant continue the "W" thing, cause I can't think of any synonyms for "for no reason" that starts with a "W"
oh wait.
Watch Wanda whack without wisdom? omg. wisdom sounds wrong. OMG. too many "W"s.
she flicks me and its really painful.
And I punch her.
She's making me violent, and Vulgar.
Vulgar&Violent Vivien for you.
thats what she taught me to say.
I'm making wanda sound really bad on my blog.
But she's not that bad lah.
omg, I'm honestly just avoiding study.
I think I can be a housewife next time.
Cause I'm good at nagging at people to study.
But I suck at studying myself.
I have zero discipline, until the last minute. Ho-ho-ho.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hi, bye. hi, bye.
must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math must do math.
When I do this, I'm reminded of Wanda's Jpod book.
Holy moly!
"I lunch with my momma"
What was I thinking.
Holy moly is My new word.
And "oh ma ma"
but "oh mama" 's old.
I used to say it with mabel.
And Sexy was our word.
I miss mabel!
I miss Olivia!
I miss Kayla!
And a whole other bunch of people that no one could ever replace.
kay bye.
Like the flowers that move with the wind
I don't really think alot anymore.
I think I just go with what I'm given.
Today was a rad day,
I only had econs & p.e.
I scored two home runs during p.e. , out of three bats. (not to brag or anything).
(but I am bragging, in actual fact.)
I lunch with my momma.
Got ripped off when I developed my film at great world city.
Now I'm just trying to study my math.
Man, I wish I'd study properly and be a good student. (HAHA)
I'm such a good student.
That I'm going to sell my lady gaga ticket )':
Thank god she's not my most favourite singer.
I just wanted to watch her live since her showmanship is like rad.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'm using my dada's (I like the word dada;dada-ism. blahblah. haha. all rhymes. hehe) computer.
I'm in Thailand, but I'm sick.
Of all days, I fell sick on the day I wanted to fake an mc,, tszk.
I'm really fed up about the ISO knob on my camera.
Because I keep forgetting to change it.
and I've wasted so SO many shots.
haha. haha. haha.
Thailand's so cool. Everything's c.h.e.a.p. :)
And its so fun to people watch.
My brother and I will say _____o'clock, followed by:
1. "A" (very pretty girl)
2. "B" (pretty girl)
3. "C" (average girl)
4. "Topic 4" (Gays)
5. "Topic 5" (Trannies)
In the train, I was trying to video this person who falls under topic 4, for Geraldine, but my momma told me not to. (hehe) so I stopped. Kinda lied to her that I was video-ing my sister.
I figured that the best place to find topic fives is in shopping malls; cosmetic section.
ohkay, Gdnightz.
Miss everyonez. (i'm typing with Zs today)
I'm using my dada's (I like the word dada;dada-ism. blahblah. haha. all rhymes. hehe) computer.
I'm in Thailand, but I'm sick.
Of all days, I fell sick on the day I wanted to fake an mc,, tszk.
I'm really fed up about the ISO knob on my camera.
Because I keep forgetting to change it.
and I've wasted so SO many shots.
haha. haha. haha.
Thailand's so cool. Everything's c.h.e.a.p. :)
And its so fun to people watch.
My brother and I will say _____o'clock, followed by:
1. "A" (very pretty girl)
2. "B" (pretty girl)
3. "C" (average girl)
4. "Topic 4" (Gays)
5. "Topic 5" (Trannies)
In the train, I was trying to video this person who falls under topic 4, for Geraldine, but my momma told me not to. (hehe) so I stopped. Kinda lied to her that I was video-ing my sister.
I figured that the best place to find topic fives is in shopping malls; cosmetic section.
ohkay, Gdnightz.
Miss everyonez. (i'm typing with Zs today)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
As you can see from the title,
I bought a pair of shoes, pretty happy :)
My brother used his credit card, so I don't have to worry about paying for it until the end of the month (heh heh heh!)
They're from pull&bear.
I might wear it tomorrow, But i'm afraid i'd dirty them.
Or that people might come up and step on 'em.
I was reading my new book in the library, when firqin & Julien came in
Julien: eh? Why is she still here, don't have chinese meh?
Firqin: Eh! vivien, why are you still in the library?
me: Going late, my book very nice! it gives me a cozy feeling! :)
Firqin: or is it because you're sitting on the sofa?
Today's the day I laughed the most in a really long time.
Nicky-wicky. (haahaa)
Nicholas& I gna go shopping tmr, aft my tennis training,
YEY, I'm excited.
We're shopping for new shoes and. uhm a camera bag?
He shouldn't cancel out like he did the last two timesz.
or i'll get mad.
and, uh. not talk to him about rad stuff anymore.
Kbye. (Im doing sampling instead of normal dist. cause its too. difficult for my rusty brain)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
oh, great! lets, study! muggers for life! (not!)
If I don't do my normal distribution by TODAY,
I'm going to take serious action against myself.
Yes. very serious!
"I'm rotting in a shithole called school"
I think I'm getting more&more vulgar. Must stop.
That day, my sister caught me saying the F word by accident when a beetle was attacking me in the room. omg.
Must watch my mouth. A beetle is not worth it(?)
Waiting for my Thai-getaway.
& some $500 I earned (yey!)
Happy birthday R to the A to the M to the Z! Z! Z! You looked Sexzy today. ^^(saying this on purpose, cause I know you'll whine.)
I didn't really study yesterday, to admit.
To admit, I haven't really been studying at all.
To admit, its all the econs test fault. Because I studied extremely hard, but I still think I'm gonna do like C.r.a.p. So I can kiss my motivation goodbye, cause it flew awayyy. (What am I talking?@!)
Monday, August 3, 2009
I have a great big migraine.
Shall have a pack of Marks & Spencer Chips.
Potato chips are my kind of thing.
Every time I feel like I'm going to have a nosebleed, I actually end up having one.
I wish I wouldn't fall sick now.
because firstly, there's photo taking tomorrow,
and secondly, I'm going to thailand soon.
But maybe if Mr. Sick is kind enough, he would delay his visit till next thursday, then I can miss GP MSA. yes!
(but not the lady gaga concert, which I already paid for, but don't feel like attending now.)
I read finish another book!
Read through the chinese lesson. I'm badass! (okay, kidding)
I have this huge feeling the next book's gonna be really boring.
Now I'm listening to "Wanda's nu age mixtape" or "Wanda's summer fun" as she calls it.
I think the first one sounds. Rad-der.
oh talking bout music, I have this big huge thinking that Mr.Lee might be a tad bit annoyed at us who talk about random things like books and childhood music preferences during his gp lessons instead of getting on with group work and writing a summary. (woah, long sentence)
I don't think I'm going to hand in the introduction that we're supposed to write, cause when I told him its on my GP reading package, and I had to write it out on foolscap (Which is a lie, by the way), he seemed reluctant that I should hand it in. So ohwells, I won't waste the effort. (can't believe I'm starting to be rebellious at this point)
School's getting more and more unbearable.
And I'm sounding more and more like Wanda, and maybe Julien(but def. not as bad yet) (no offence).
I figured since I have nth to do with my life right now,
i might as well study.
Mugger-life, here I come!
(ps: Just so you know, I don't think it'll work out)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Bought three books today.
No more $25 voucher.
I don't feel like sharing the title, in case someone else reads it, and many someone elses read it. And then It'll become so high-in-demand that it's not a special-not-well-known good book that you know of anymore.
(PS: twilight sucks, Even though I haven't read it -not intending to.)
Sins chocolates are the best.
I wore my cardigan thing I bought at 50% off after the pw meeting weeks ago, when I was with Aish. Its the most comfortable thing ever, and it makes me feel like being outside for the longest time I can be outside.
Really hungry, off to dinnerrr.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
What if I feared God, then what?
Paul Arden died this year.
He died of a heart attack.
Wish I didn't load the red-scale film into my camera.
I have no mood to take pictures in redscale.
I'm in a half-morbid mood because Wanda & I are talking about. Morbid things.
We laugh at double chins. (She, Lisa, Julien, Firqin & I )(omg, I have double chin! )
I like Julien's carrot muffins with cream cheezeee stuff on the top. They are yummy.
Talking about the few of us,
Julien, Firqin, Wanda & I came up with an unofficial book club that involves us being against books of our choice. e.g. Twilight. ewz.xz.x.zx.z. will I get sued for saying this? no.
btw, we did this in GP.
I think I'm going to make it a point to sit somewhere behind Julien and near Firqin, so that I can see Julien being annoyed and scribbling on her paper, and like throw glances at Firqin (Who is also, btw, watching Julien being pissed off by the Gp teach.)
I can't wait to start on Grey's Anatomy, season 4/5 & maybe even 6.
(I know I'm slower than most)
probably after promos.
(although I don't see the diff, since I haven't really started studying.)
okay. last time blogging, so bye.
Whatever you think, think the opposite.
That's what Ms Chan left us with.
its a really pretty & inspirational book, and I hope I'll never ever bend or crease it.
Thats why I'm only going to read it at home.
I'm kinda tired today, I might sleep real soon.
Omg, I'm done with the double bind.
Kinda predicted the ending, but only because I was thinking of how the book should end.
I might be mildly interested in Schizophrenia.
currently wiki-ing it now.
yey, Now I have reason to spend my $25 kino voucher.
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