Here, shall blog about the SLEEPOVER(: @ the one & only beatrice's house, which was from monday-tuesday.
ok, so after training, i went home, then bathe&pack, and went off to tb plaza to meet mabel! we then went to tjpagar to take my ic photo(which sucks, btw.)
Met charite/beatrice outside the purple line mrt. i dont know towards where, i am horrible at those kind of things.
then later, we all went for a movie.
the movie was hilarious ok.
go watch enchanted(:
hah! after that, we bought dinner& left.
mabel went home): cause she couldnt stay over.
anyway, when we reached farrer park mrt.
there were three people. Aretha, Esther, and Ee Loo.
they all were there to suprise beatrice!
and after they left, we went up to beatrice's house.
and we were eating i think?
cant remember.
but then later, beatrice and i watched simpsons movie, while charite(as usual) slept on the sofa-should have taken a photo!
and later, we all watched school of rock together(after bathing)
ok, but charite,(as usual) fell asleep halfway. and (as usual) crawled on the bed.
i think she's so cute(:
i have TONS of photos, i wish i developed them today, cause then i can post them all up, but sadly, i didnt.
Beatrice and i slept at 4:30,
charite woke up at 10, i woke up at 10:10. and beatrice (as usual) had problems waking up. ha-ha!
so when we finally woke up,
beatrice and i played a game of chess(weird huh!), and finally concluded that it was impossible to win each other, cause i kept chasing her king around. it gets very irritating after awhile! so we stopped and went to bathe.
later, we went to united square, after a super duper long debate. cause i wanted to go vivo.
when we reached there, we realised that we should have called mabel, but it was 3.30 already, so there was no point anymore.
ate @ pastamania, and then I WENTHOME.
guess what? i took this bus. and it took super long to get me home. like 1hr plus plus. can die!
-END OF SLEEPOVER- (it sounds so boring, but it was incredibly fun, fun, fun. its just my way of describing it!(:)
anyway, today is one of the best days of my life.
i wake up EARLY. to follow my mum to a hairdresser @ fareast plaza, because i wanted to cut my hair. my mum gave me a ferragamo belt, so i could use this dress that i bought, without looking like a pregnant woman.
ok, let me just skip to the best part.
that makes me so happy,
i love my dad a lot.
me:hello papa! like my new heels?!
papa:ohh! waaa, so nice one!(somewhere along that line)
hahaa, then later he didnt want me to wear, cause i was almost as tall as him.
but i still wore, so bad right? what kind of daughter.
ooh, i forgot to mention, i cut fringe, but its no like china china kind of fringe, its like slanted kind of fringe, and i changed my parting to side.